Tuesday, 28 November 2006


I am curious about this blogging craze that have been going on. I know it had been around for years, only now did it get my attention. A few of my friends have their own Blogs and websites. In a way, they were the cause that make me want to try my hand at this and give it a go.

I am not sure. Having a bit of doubts. By right I am a private person. I used to prefer writing in my diary or journal of all my experiences (and still do of certain really personal things, in detailed description) but now part of it, along with my thoughts, will be shared here. As far as I see, if my doings would cause no harm toward others, I will do as I pleased within limits. Whatever most people think of me is insignificant, except for those whom I love and cared for very much.

Most people that were considered really close to me, would only see a certain part of me. Never the whole me. Sometimes they would say what they think of me. They might be right, that is me... and not. I usually smile when they think, they know me thoroughly. I guessed everyone feel the same way as I do. Sounds frustrating. What are the chances of somone knowing another, who they truly are, to the tee?

It has become sort of a game to most people about finding out who the other person truly is. If you have guessed them correctly, it means that you are ... what does it mean? That you win? That you know the person much better than others? That you are the best at knowing people? That you are someone special? Or does it shows that you are not shallow? The very word (shallow) which alot of people would not want to be associated with. A few others would be the words like pretentious, superficial, materialistic, ditzy, selfish, self centered, dependant and demanding.

I guessed nobody will know anybody until we lived under the same roof.... Wrong! Even then there are still more things to know about the other person. People intend to change either to be better or worse. Just look around and when you thought you have pegged that close friend of yours, personality and character, a year later or a few months or weeks or days even (!), you will noticed there are changes in that person. Thats what makes LIFE so unpredictable and intriguing... Worth staying on this plain for the next 20 - 30 years... What is going to happen to my dear friends and family?

1 comment:

Ryan Velting said...

Be careful!! Blogging is addictive! :)